Reinventing Customer Experience

Build responsive websites, web app, AI chatbot and more, all in one platform

What is XYAN?

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No-Code, Deploy Today

XTOPIA is a NO CODE, Rapid Application Development (RAD) Platform. Access to the full power of cutting-edged web technologies so that you can get things done.

No-Code UX Designer

Choose to either start from beautiful, ready-made designs or simply start from scratch.

No-Code Workflow Builder

Visualize beautiful data and build your business processes without code.

Pre-Built Apps

Bundled with a range of ready-made apps you can deploy just within a few clicks.

No-Code Interface Design Editor

XTOPIA Responsive Web Builder is super easy and super fast! Just drag-and-drop ready-made designs into your pages, edit where needed. Publish LIVE!

With many pre-built Smart Objects for text, photos, video, social media feeds, etc., you can make your website come alive, easily.

And if you are hard-core, you can build an industrial-strength website from scratch too.

No-Code Business Process Workflow

Building a web application is proven to be 5x faster with XTOPIA's NO-CODE WORKFLOW easy-to-use interface.

You begin by designing your web pages, setup your data sources and configure the business logic using the Drag and Drop Workflow interface. Then you link them together, and you are done!

No more unnecessary layers of technicalities. XTOPIA is made for people who want Real Results, fast!

No-Code Multi-Channel AI Chatbot

XTOPIA Chatbot is built with the latest language model and AI technology. Be assured that your Virtual Assistant powered by XTOPIA comes with the latest innovators in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

It is able learn more with less data. It is able to solve your business challenges more effectively in less time.

With XTOPIA Chatbot, you maintain ownership of your bot data, insights and training. As our innovative workflows and business processes are hosted in XTOPIA, no information of your data will be shared to the public.

With XTOPIA, an AI Chatbot that effectively solves your business challenges is within reach.

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